Improve your Broiler management results
Broiler Signals: A practical guide to broiler focused management.
Broilers are fast growing animals that need constant care. There is no time for correcting mistakes: prevention is therefore crucial. Proper management starts with recognizing signals in practice.
Broiler Signals provides practical advice for poultry-keepers, managers, technical staff and veterinarians in order to optimise the environment and health of their broilers. This broiler focused management will improve the production and welfare of the broilers and hence the poultry farmer’s economic results.
Keeping broilers is like a Formula 1 race: there’s no time for mistakes.
Both book and e-learning follow the life cycle of these fast growing animals. Every stage is discussed and important aspects are highlighted. Focussing on animal-oriented procedures, the concept is vital for poultry-farmers and anyone involved in poultry management on a regular basis. For poultry-farmers, this means being alert when in the poultry house, watching and listening to the animals, paying attention to their environment and their behavior as individuals and as a group. This usually provides important information about your animals’ health, well-being and production.
The Broiler Signals concept
The book Broiler Signals was first published in 2013. In the past 5 years Broiler Signals has been translated in 12 different languages and over 25.000 copies were sold in 58 countries.
With the introduction of e-learning in 2019, the Broiler Signals concept now is a blended learning journey containing:
- Broiler Signals book and online book
- Broiler Signals Online Study Centre with e-learning courses
These broiler focused knowledge tools aim at improving welfare and production results of the animals and thus better farm economics. Broiler Signals is suitable for farm workers, farm managers and owners. But it's also used as a (pre)learning tool for technical staff, advisors and farm consultants. Combined with (in-company) webinars or live training, Broiler Signals offers a complete range of essential knowledge tools for excellent broiler managent.
Poultry Signals® concept
Broiler Signals is part of the Poultry Signals® concept. The Poultry Signals® concept is based on Look-Think-Act and focuses on three main questions; What do I see? Why does this happen? What should I do?
This implies that the information is presented in a very visual way. Many photographs, illustrations and diagrams tell the story. Practical knowledge comes first and complex theory will be limited to an absolute minimum. In this way the information is easily absorbed and easily brought into practice by the reader.
The benefits of using our content:
✔️Apply Scientificly Based Knowledge Directly
✔️Strengthen Your Problem Observation Abilities
✔️Prevent tunnel vision
✔️Quick Return On Investment
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