Book topics

The book Broiler Signals contains 10 chapters:

  1. Seeing more by looking closely
  2. the broilers environment
  3. Preparing for a new cycle
  4. Week 1: Getting of a good start
  5. Week 2: Futher growth and development
  6. Week 3: Gut health and development
  7. Week 4: Focusing on breathing
  8. week 5: Leg quality
  9. Final phase and slaughter
  10. Parent birds


Target group and languages

Almost 75% of the readers are farmers or farm workers. The other parts of the audience are students, farm advisors, veterinarians, etc.


The book was first published in 2013. In the past 5 years Broiler Signals has been translated in 12 different languages and over 25.000 copies were sold in 58 countries.