Broiler Signals (online) book
The book Broilers follows the life cycle of these fast growing animals. Every stage is discussed separately and points out an important issue specific to that stage. The focus lays on animal-oriented procedures, thus the book is vital for poultry-keepers and anyone involved in poultry on a regular basis.
Book topics
The book Broiler Signals contains 10 chapters:
- Seeing more by looking closely
- the broilers environment
- Preparing for a new cycle
- Week 1: Getting of a good start
- Week 2: Futher growth and development
- Week 3: Gut health and development
- Week 4: Focusing on breathing
- week 5: Leg quality
- Final phase and slaughter
- Parent birds
Target group and languages
Almost 75% of the readers are farmers or farm workers. The other parts of the audience are students, farm advisors, veterinarians, etc.
The book was first published in 2013. In the past 5 years Broiler Signals has been translated in 12 different languages and over 25.000 copies were sold in 58 countries.